Order Cancellation Timeframe:
1. Orders can be canceled within 6 hours of being placed.
2. Once the order has been processed and shipped, it cannot be canceled.
Refund or Return:
Our refund or return / exchange process for any online purchases will be under following general guidance’s:
- You should intimate us within 3 days of receiving the product(s).
- You should be in a position to provide the proof of purchase such as invoice copy and payment details.
- The product should not be used.
- The product is returned in its original packaging and in good condition.
- Product will be replaced if the product is damaged or faulty or if it is the wrong item that was sent. If the same product is not available in stock, you have the choice of selecting other product of same value. The cost of shipping will be borne by us.
- Products will not be exchanged or refunded due to wrong ordering and customers should check before placing an order.
- Returns sent after the allowed period of time will not be processed.
Refunds are typically done on a case-by-case manner.
Should you wish to arrange a return or refund please contact us at during business hours (Monday - Saturday, 9.00 am to 18.00 hrs)
All returns must be shipped to concerned seller who shipped your products. Address will be given by us when required.
Customer satisfaction is important to us. If you have any questions regarding our policy or have special circumstances, please contact us via before placing the order.